The national fat issue

After a bit out and about, it is clear to me that the human race will dive head-long into universal overweight without any resistance whatsoever. Case in point: the modern shopping center. I mean, isn't it true that every time you go to shopping center and the whole establishment just feels like a giant candy ad? there's donut kings on every corner and cafes in every passageway. Not to mension the cheese that permeats through the whole national food chain. there is absolutely no escaping from cheese. breakfast, lunch and dinner, if el-cheapo restaurant/cafe food is what you are after, then be prepared because you are getting lots of cheese. The whole italian food culture revolves around cheese and that's fine, but why italians take over the whole cafe industry i have no idea. just because they put froth cream on top of coffee bean drink doesn't warrant them to take over all of our leisure eating habit too! why cheesecakes are the only choice in most cake-of-the-day deals especially when they make sure your blood will thicken to the point of blocking anything in your artery even before you finish your coffee/cake combo? this is not healthy. i am so not going to eat cheesecake from now on.
Hmm the Cheesecake Shop.....
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