Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Another motor show in Brissy. without noticing this is already the 3rd of 4th motor show i went to. we've truly been staying in brissy for too long. this time free tickets courtesy of BMW. Jeremy clarkson just tagged 3 series as those cars created by accountants, not enthusiasts like hondas or jags. oh well, 3 coupe still tick my boxes.

main findings from the motor show this year: rx-8 is actually small and reat seats are impractical. i can't sit straight in the back due to low head rooms.

is-250's interior is quite mediocre. i'll take a vw over it.

anyway, this is another crunch time. i'm ready to finish BCP in preparation for the 2 day holiday i want to apply.


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