Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

China trip movie watched

China trip movie watched 

Tomorrowland unfinished 

Really interesting film I need to finish on the way back. 

Entourage movie
Probably best for the Tv series lovers. I happen to liken the tv show. Good for watching tits and some drama

Finding Vivian maher 
It's quite touching how the average American public are so empathetic and nice. Vivian is a slightly dark and twisted woman with a gift for great photography. Darkness really is the better angle to view life?


细节拿捏得很好很到位,前半段笑点无数包袱无数,后半段思考人生催人泪下。生动阐释了真挚的爱情啥都换不来的古老教训。演的好 剧本好。特别女主角,该拿奖。


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