Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

lessons from trading class

Yet another class for my continued trading education money. today i was only there for 2 hours. one of the new instructor (an aussie) made an interesting point that trading should be treated as a mean to your passion, instead of the goal of your life. whether it's fast cars, travel the world or golfing you are interested in, you should not let trading get in the way.

Merck is going up they said, and amex is going down. let's see how they play out heh.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

IE media playback problem fixed

so it's SP2 that's causing the problem... bugger microsoft. talking about reliable platform. and xp's registry is also easily corrupted and causing cd-rom to stop functioning.. hmm glad there is it support to call upon.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

efficiency = f(sleep)

so many ideas came out of the time when i'm lying on the bed.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

things i won't eat again

oshin jap food, any turkish stuff, smarties chocolate

Saturday, November 05, 2005

from joyberry's life









Thursday, November 03, 2005

dahua lin's blog一些有趣得comments


很多文章的思想其实很简单的,可是怕拿不出台面,怎么办呢?呵呵,其实只要用一些数学技巧,就可以把一篇本科生习作,变成能在国际会议上发表的论文,呵呵。在论文中,你还可以言之凿凿地声称:We establish a well-founded model based on xxx theory, and derive a surprisingly elegant solution to the optimization problem under the formulation.

举一个简单的例子,和大家分享一下。问题非常简单:给定n个数(向量):x1, x2, ..., xn,要找出一个数x,使之最好地代表这些点。

解决方法其实很简单,求它们的平均值就是了:x = (x1 + x2 + ... + xn) / n。可是文章不能这样写啊,于是为了让自己的paper看起来学术化一点,我们要建立一些复杂一点的模型:恩,就是让问题看起来复杂一些,以提高文章的含金量。从我自己的知识水平和研究领域来说,起码发现了这么一些模型,都导致同样的结果——求均值。

(1) 基于简单优化的模型——Least Square Formulation: 找一个点x,使得x到所有给定点的平方误差之和最小。
x = argmin_x { (x - x1)^2 + (x - x2)^2 + ... + (x - xn)^2 }

(2) 基于信道传输的模型——Isotropic Noisy Formulation: 把这些点都看成某个点x受加性高斯噪声影响产生的:xi = x + ni。假设噪声项满足高斯分布 N(0, sI)。求点x,使得平均噪声水平最低。

(3) 基于经典概率理论的模型

(3.a) Single Gaussian Model 假设这些点服从高斯分布 N(x, s^2)。那么对于x的最大似然估计(Maximum Likelihood Estimation)就是给订数的均值。

(3.b) Gaussian Mixture Model 多高斯模型的各个component的Maximum Likelihood Estimation均值,按照component weight再对这些均值再加权平均,最后还是这些数的均值。

(4) 基于贝叶斯统计理论的模型——Bayesian Formulation: 通过引入先验概率priori,可以把经典概率模型推广到Bayesian Model。通过某些似是而非的理由assume prior是均匀的,那么在MAP (Maximum a Posteriori)的formulation下,你还可以得到同样的结论。

(5) 基于信息论的模型——Information Theoretical Model 在高斯分布假设下,求对给定数据的information最高的x。或者说,知道x后,对信源的uncertainty(entropy)最小。

(6) 动力学模型——Kinematic Model

(6.a) 聚合运动模型:假设这些点可以自由运动,并且它们之间存在相互引力作用,这些点在运动中最后聚在一点上,停止运动。在某些形式的引力作用下,这些点最后聚在均值位置。

(6.b) 势阱模型:假设这些点是固定的,它们相互之间存在引力作用。从另外一个意义上说,每个点构成一个场源,并且在周围空间激发引力势。则在某些引力形式下,所有点的叠加引力场的势阱位于均值位置。这时候,如果让一个新的点在场中自由运动,最终它会静止在均值的地方。当然,对偶的,你可以考虑一个斥力场以及相应的势垒的位置,结果也是相同的。不过在涉及learning的文献中,通常喜欢energy minimization。

(6.c) 可以建立热力学模型(也称为统计力学),那些点是一个热平衡状态的某个瞬时观测。进一步的,通过波尔兹曼定律把热力学能量和概率建立联系。那么就可以建立一个既有统计意义,也有物理意义的模型。

(7) 随机模型——Stochastic Model 更复杂的,你可以假设一个一定温度下的热力学粒子的随机运动。这个粒子在运动过程中,在空间各处都可能出现。在无限长的时间中形成一个几率分布,其峰值位置位于均值。



Past few weeks i've kept my schedule to as tight as humanely possible, keeping the pressure just a tad above breakage. i think it's the most i could endure in the long term. so i don't feel sorry for my laziness, maybe except for the unwashed clothes...

just saw becky's blog. she's going to sydney to live with his boyfriend? wonder what she's doing there? medicine? doubt it.

yesterday went to merc and pretty must it's a wasted 2 days ended up with shitty food. we even scared everyone out of the table and had the table for just 4 of us.

and today koi's pushing me 3 topics to write in the morning.. sigh

till next time..
