Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Monday, October 23, 2006

tv journal: boston legal

Legal dramas are nice and efficient ways to cut through our social fabric and expose the ethical dilemmas of our time to the mass public. that's what lawyers everywhere do (especially litigation lawyers). David e Kelly is the light hearted and innovated creator and producer behind the entertaining series of boston legal which i found myself addicted to lately. the screen presences of james spader (alan shore) and william shatner (denny crane) are magical and forceful. james spader's closings are the most fascinating on screen deliveries i've seen for a long time, that he never deliver his closings in a less-than-perfect manner, which is extraordinary.

lawyers can be extremely pressurized and it shows. their mental state have to be so professional i positively think each and every litigation lawyer should seek mental counsel after a while to de-pressurize.

alan shore is a kinder person at heart than his usual demeanour. it shows in his generosity towards the poor, underlings, the disabled, the disadvantaged, and deceased. his distaste for the war and the bush administration in general is evident.

Monday, October 09, 2006

resume 建议 from wenxuecity

Resume,很关键的一个敲门砖。对resume一定要精益求精。我的是在申请商学院的时候,找了一本写简历的参考书,花了两个多星期字斟句酌写成的。 事实证明,这分努力没有白费。凭着这份简历进了这个学校,因为我的GMAT分数很低,和其他中国学生比,我只能是流瀑布汗。他们说,我的GMAT分数简直 是丢中国人的脸。我自以为英文水平不在他们之下,但不善于考试,没办法。

在进学校之后,学校专门给学生作就业辅导的专家对我的简历也没提出什么修改意见。所以,此后就靠着同一份简历所向披靡。简历不能超过2页长,言语要力求简 练。对我做过的每一个position,我用的格式顺序是:company name, title, responsibilities and results.

“Responsibilities”用一串过去式动词+宾语的形式说明。动词尽量用那些感觉strong的,避免同一个动词的大量重复,避免感觉 weak的动词。公司一般用key word to screen resume, 所以尽量用那些关键词,这样就增加被搜索到的机会。可以去monster等网站,或找本写简历的参考书。比如,虽然你没有财会背景,但你要申请这方面的工 作,你就要去参考有这方面工作背景的人写的简历。看他们用的什么关键词,怎么组织句子的,怎么描述工作经验的,然后把你自己的经历用这样的形式和语言包 装。一句话,天下文章一大套,就看你套的妙不妙。


manage, establish, develop, build, control, monitor, create, implement, utilize, commercialize, oversee, evaluate, analyze, recommend, conduct ~ ~ analysis, coordinate, negotiate, served as the central liaison of ~ ~。

光陈述你有过的responsibilities是不够的,在一系列过去式动词加宾语之后,另起一行,用bullet points列出results. “Results”一定要把它量化,用数字,用百分比,来表示诸如销售增长,成本下降,效率提高,减少浪费等等你的成绩。

很重要一点,responsibilities和results,一定要捡主要的,要起到能够highlight你的工作经历的作用。你可能在一个位置做 过很多事情,但你要list那些能反映your best quality and skill set that best match the positions you target for. 如果你申请不同的工作,最好把简历作几个不同的版本。

把上面写的综合起来,为了给大家一点idea, 把我的一段简历列在这里,现身说法。

XXX Corporation, Business Development Manager

- Developed markets in five geographic areas, and executed marketing strategies representing the Asia/Pacific Vice President. Oversaw the implementation of export sales contracts with importers and distributors to ensure the issuance of import permits, timely production planning, shipments, and payments. Managed day-to-day representative office operations.
- Successfully implemented strategic plans, and commercialized five products in highly regulated markets, resulting in a sales increase by 100% in two consecutive years.
- Recruited a number of value added companies as XXX’s distributors, and developed a strong distribution network in key provinces and markets.
- Built a close liaison with government agencies and departments to ensure compliance of local laws and regulations.
- Negotiated to get tax exemption and rent deduction, resulting in a 30% decrease of office operating cost.


Thursday, October 05, 2006

movie journal: telladegan nights, step up

I was already a sucker for good dance film. the previous highlight of dance film is richard gere's "shall we dance" which is delicate and melancholy and i liked it a lot. althoght not exactly the j.lo part i thought she's more latin salsa dance than ballroom dance but that's not the point. step up is a great urban film depicting a rather sullen Maryland, baltimore area where heavy industrialization left people drifting and angry. a bit like chicago in "shall we dance". black violence and hip hop culture permeats the backdrop of the whole film, but the lead dude's performance was more than adequate. he's a chiselled-bodied young alpha male of native indian, italian and some other heritage and all in a good mix pot. we last seen him in "she's the man" acting as a love interest for the leading lady in that film. best thing about "step up" though is undoubted its music and dancing. the dude and the chic leading roles are reported to be dating which is all the merrier.

Telladegan night or whatever it's called is a stupid laughing movie for the socially alienated bunch. For the record, NASCAR is a bunch of lead fuel sucking 1950's technology rusty tin cars racing constantly on a left bend oval. a robot can drive these cars and it's bad for the environment. But to me personally this idea of oval tracks is simply laughable: how do you expect driving skills to show in these races?