iphone: 2 weeks on
here is stuff i like about iphone
- the form factor is excellent, talking about internet in your very slim pocket. on screen keyboard is a wonderful idea, not to mention that the keyboard is widened in landscape mode.
- with my beloved capsule rebel it looks and feels ultra sturdy.
- iphone safari is great, no flash but other than that it's rendering the page wonderfully and quickly
- app store can be truly great, recent episodes of apple stifling competiton notwithstanding, the app store has produced some of my favourite (free) apps so far. though i do have a nagging feeling google androit is going to be better if their third party suppor get organized and free enough
things i hate about iphone
- crashes. safari quit itself at more times than i like to tolerate. (although if u go back in straightaway the last page state is saved). a few bugs in operation in phone answering, etc
- batter life: seem to drain faster and faster as battery level goes down. maybe it's due to my excessive usage in the first week
the potential is limitless as it is basically a computer with full connectivity. a few very useful app
- video recording and uploading
- voice recognition text input
- interactive street view (ability to compare with street view)!
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