Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The future of the IT industry

as you can see the title is obviously quite grandstanding which is totally my intent. Well what does the future hold for IT service industry as we know it today? it's an excellent point for discussion.

We in the software industry are constantly soothing ourselves of the eternal need for hosted or standalone software solutions business big or small invariably need, but if you think for one second this is gonna last you are diving downhill the same road as our automaker counter parts 20 years ago, until last northern autumn they crashed and burned. complacancy should never set in and that is why we should constantly take a step back and check our prospects.

so this is my assessment without further ado.
  • we gonna se a lot of cloud computing circa Google docs
  • software will be made more intelligence, distributed, open-sourced no matter if you like it or not
  • the economy of scale will increase more dramatically as the tool for the tools in IT undergo seachange. (if this makes sense to you. it's not a linear change)
  • the language will become less important and service will take a stronger hold.
  • handheld and portable application will see a more dominant position in sales and marketing and hence development efforts.
  • web 3.0, 4.0, 5.0..... what is web? what is not web?
  • we will truly be able to access anything, anywhere, anyway we want

Thursday, January 22, 2009

where is the bottom

being constantly bombarded with bad news these days become apparently a given. every day i open bloomberg on my iphone, the headlines have always been XXX lost more than expected X amount and XXX export surprisingly shrink by X percentage. if there is ever a bad news season then this reporting season takes the cake. i'm not gonna drum on with my dose of pessimism here, so below is just my solution as usual:

  • give a shot of confidence to the market by penalising those who are no longer important, e.g., the ex bush administration. sue the rats out of them for the slew of crap they did include misleading the nation and mismanaging the economy. jail alan greenspan.
  • jail henry paulson. he is obviously using his clout as treasury secretary to help his old time buddies on the street selectively. witness the dramatic assistant of short banning for goldman sachs.
  • outlaw lobbying. what the petrol and pharmaceutical company is doing in washington is absolutely disgusting and detrimental to the world. in the same process, sue the previous administration again for taking bribes from the lobbying thugs.
  • give money directly to consumers instead of banks. banks will not lend no matter what in this economic condition, a primary school kid with basic economic knowledge knows this yet it seems to escape the treasury.
  • car industry, where do i begin? the size and scope should be much smaller to start with. start building massive scale mulpliplex villages across america with no need to automobile. bicycle sales will skyrocket and car sales will dwindle