moviejournal: just go with it
I completely agree with NYTimes review. The title is horrible. How movie titles got degenerated into these teenager slangs i have no idea. But this will always be remembered as "that RomCom with Aniston and Adam Sandler". The story has slightly new twist, but apparently it was a remake from an earlier Ingrid Bergman film called "Cactus Flower". now that is a title i can remember.
have to say acting is top notch from aniston and sandler. They are both gifted comedians. who wouldn't thought so from as early as the "friends" years that Jen was just born funny. The comedic delivery and timing was consistently spot on. Sandler works best when he can bring out the best in the rest of the cast. Even nicole kidman played a palpable old time college bitch. a delight to watch. The whole backdrop of hot chic and rampant social acceptance to promiscurity is less commendable, but it's just a comedy after all.
The story is probably superficial but on some level it touches me with how true love should be. it's such a joke to relate to a romcom these days but probably because i've desentitised to movie dramatisation from a few month of abstinence from the theatre, it sort of get me in a way i unexpected.
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