Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Monday, January 26, 2015

moviejournal: the imitation game

Very rarely does a film resonates and reaches deep within my psyche. Partly due to its touching depiction of a heroic computer science endeavour to save the allies (how often in real world could say say a nerd saved the world?) that every nerds could only dream of aspiring to, partly due to the intense and vivid style of portrayal of characters by the fine english actors, this is one of the best film to appear and appeal to me in a long time. War time stories are always intense and this infused with a zest of math and real computer science.

Monday, January 19, 2015

post breakup soup for the mind (chn and eng translation)

你的ex需要的是呵护、溺爱他的妈妈,不是平等互爱的女性。你一点不要怀疑自己,你没法当他亲妈。他会放大你的缺点忽视你的优点,这样的评价不足与论。送他f*ck off 前,还是要人道的建议他去看医生,虽然是祖传神经病,没准能碰上合适的老中医。这孩子长了阳光的脸,却有猥琐的心。选表弟吧,他有猥琐的脸,猥琐的心,表里如一。

What your ex lacks are unconditional endearment and love only a doting mother could offer to a spoilt brat. His motivation was never anchored on anything resembling an mutually respected love relationship. To doubt yourself from such an emotionally disabled and laughable person is entirely unnecessary and, if anything, we should pity him for his sad and unfortunate experience and upbrining. You are never going to be his unconditionally doting mother who takes all the abuse and be nonchalant. All your sad ex would be capable of is to amplify your any last shortcomings while turn a blind eye to all your glowing strength, thus any remark from the loser can be wilfully and blatantly ignored and responded with a farewell “fuck off”. Even before we brush him off with an pitying “fuck off”, we should even go as far as recommend to him  psychiatric help, as he desperately need assistance in his mental arena so not to radicalise himself even further to the extremes. It is unfortunate that these innate mental diseases are intrically incurable and potentially hereditary, however one should never lose hope that there exist one hidden herbal doctor that could cure him for good. This loser kid is gifted with a somewhat sane and handsome face yet possesses a dark and wretched heart. Take CL! such consistent wretched face and heart! :D

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Moviejournal: Big Hero 6

a heartwarming fusion of America and Japan scenery leads to an exhilarating and cute story. However one does feel the missing of certian pixarness in the story and more disnefication. The comical nature of the characters also determined that the plot are paints with strokes of lightness and appeals more to the teen/preteen crowd, as well as the nerds a-la big bang theory audience.