Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Moviejournal: the revenant, 老炮儿

It's hard to quantify how realistic the revenant is, that era is just so adventurous, bloody, and raw. It's an intense performance from Leo, but probably not shoulders above his other roles. I mean I think wolf of wall st is pretty good. 

老炮儿们的世界在当代人看来我觉得是不能理解的。 至少我这么以为。你可以简单的归纳其原则为完美主义的理性斗殴,具有先进的先礼后兵排兵布阵靠震慑力第一派头第二掐架第三的世界。可能那是处于一个从文明理性社会半进化的一个时期。我所理解不了的是如何能让澎湃的荷尔蒙被布道之类的活动抑制。


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