Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Qh retrospective

Qh retrospective

The monster that is QH provided a first taste in the last month for me. The sheer size of it never cease to amaze. You can’t even fit every team/program/unit on a single sheet of paper you’ll probably need a room sized paper to fit all the teams just in department of health. A quarter of our tax dollar goes into this mammoth organisation with enormous wastage.

Separation into HHS does not help the silo-ed mentality of this place. Kingdoms of themselves and having to work together for projects like o365 is a disaster. Plus there are millions of hoops to jump through for any progress. Factored that with inflexibility, nontransparent management and information passing-down.