The surreal yet believable farce that is the Don Jr gate
you can't help but feel that NYTimes is having a field day with the trump jr story. Haven't seen a single story hold weeks and weeks of the main page headline for so long in recent memory (well trump himself being an exception).
NY review of books again have a brilliant and searing article on what is going on with an historic perspective which i urge you all to read instead of the soundbites of news headlines.
Lately after binging season 5 of House of Cards I can't help but feel that the Trump presidency is even weirder than that of Mr. and Mrs Underwoods. The backroom angst and dodging and wagging and the politicking of the Underwood narratives and conversations fits nicely for the current Trump family. One can almost hear the hushed conversation in Trump's whitehouse kitchen and offices between his aids, comm people, and his "close family" which somehow i reckon most of americans love to hate and distrust.
How the leaks keeps finding its way to the liberal media is a story of its own, in the real world they are probably not commissioned by the president himself (and then blame on his nonexistent do-death-do-us-apart chief of staff). indeed Drumpft fired his earlier chief of staff who is now turned against him publicly i think.
politicians being a supremely pragmatic bunch would still make the decision by weighing up how much Trump impeachment would impact their own chances of staying in office. That Kevin guy i heard from Radio National big idea talk is probably right about Trump being a victim of liberal's putin hating agenda but it's his own fault by taking this route all along so tough shit.
This is all highly entertainment and i'm engrossed in seeing how this will go. Much more intriguing than the Bill Monica scandal i have to say. that is a bloody paper cut wound now in comparison. Lied under oath smoath.
NY review of books again have a brilliant and searing article on what is going on with an historic perspective which i urge you all to read instead of the soundbites of news headlines.
Lately after binging season 5 of House of Cards I can't help but feel that the Trump presidency is even weirder than that of Mr. and Mrs Underwoods. The backroom angst and dodging and wagging and the politicking of the Underwood narratives and conversations fits nicely for the current Trump family. One can almost hear the hushed conversation in Trump's whitehouse kitchen and offices between his aids, comm people, and his "close family" which somehow i reckon most of americans love to hate and distrust.
How the leaks keeps finding its way to the liberal media is a story of its own, in the real world they are probably not commissioned by the president himself (and then blame on his nonexistent do-death-do-us-apart chief of staff). indeed Drumpft fired his earlier chief of staff who is now turned against him publicly i think.
politicians being a supremely pragmatic bunch would still make the decision by weighing up how much Trump impeachment would impact their own chances of staying in office. That Kevin guy i heard from Radio National big idea talk is probably right about Trump being a victim of liberal's putin hating agenda but it's his own fault by taking this route all along so tough shit.
This is all highly entertainment and i'm engrossed in seeing how this will go. Much more intriguing than the Bill Monica scandal i have to say. that is a bloody paper cut wound now in comparison. Lied under oath smoath.