Moviejournal: social dilemma on netflix
films like this doco will probably make people pause and introspective a bit, like all the other feel good wake up films previously made against big tobacco / sugar / guns, eventually change need to come from legislation will it inevitably should come, just like laws banning tobacco / gambling / seat belt / etc all of those were in plain sight detrimental to society, yet takes the law years or decades to catch up. The problem I can see is with phones and social media, they are already forming as our extensions, we are essentially cyborgs (according to Elon Musk) and our brain is probably in a sense dependent on our digital extensions to work and play, which is to me a much stronger force at play compare to giving up the smoking habit. When digital communication and "networking" is also part of most people's work such as obsessively checking email and hook up with contacts on linkedin etc, the line between addition and healthy life is blurring faster than smoking and not smoking, or taking that drug in the club or not. the benefits Facebook provides probably works out to be more for those not in their teenage insecurity year and that's a hard argument to make for occasional baking mums to take a harsh stance against her local baking group on facebook which posts 2 cake recipes a day, it is simply not manipulative enough for her to appreciate and quit facebook. In a lot of scenarios it is also that digital giants are only profiting from the minority while benefiting the majority (such as certain online gaming genres that requires in app purchase). Understanding and practising good social media habit while maintaining a healthy digital extension for work and life is probably harder and require a combination of education from very young age and legislation...