Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Friday, April 28, 2006

The clever use of “I’m sorry”

It’s some sort of a western tradition to express sympathy and compassion for people you care that one often use the phrase “I’m sorry” when something untowarding or pitiful was said by the other party. E.g., “I’m pregnant by accident” “oh I’m so sorry!” or, “my dog just died” “oh I’m terribly sorry” in a highly sympathetic tone as if the whole incident was their fault. The fact that it’s not their fault brings huge irony to such use of the phrase “I’m sorry”. To a beginner of the English language one cannot help but wonder why would anyone be apologetic for something entirely unrelated to them. I’ve now heard an overdose of I’m sorry in desperate housewife to a point that I’m literally sick of it.

oh while we are on the subject of desperate housewife, how many times do they have to start a conversation with "we need to talk"? can we please avoid the cliche of stating the fact that talking will be involved in the next 5 minutes? especially a salient trait for the stupid single mom susan who is seemingly being raised by her 14 years old daughter. she might as well be a children's book author because her mental state was 5 years old also.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

ANZAC day 2006

I have one word for ICPR organizing committee, and that’s procrastination. Arguably it’s the first conference I ever submitted too. The deadline just got postponed 2 more days among much anguish waiting and eager checking. Fingers very much crossed for tomorrow.

ANZAC day. I got up according to schedule at 8:30 and arrived promptly at Koi’s around 9:05. She’s not up. Totally expected. So just slept some more at her place until hunger and afternoon sets in.

Plan for tomorrow:
Write review
Confirm cairns trip
Get essay detail

The car just gets sweeter every time I drive it a bit more.

Cleveland, Wellington point and Toowoomba
The lessons learned from visiting small towns around Australia: be realistic about your expectations. Toowoomba is having level 4 water restriction when we visited yesterday.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Desperate Housewives - Bree

Bree was a wonderful woman, merticulous, polite (overly), compulsively clean, handy, great cook. Her husband is being a total ass for not having a slight tolerance for her compulsiveness while taking all the effort bree made into the family for granted. that was very selfish i think. to not allow any compusiveness.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

reply to a tianya post

这有什么好辩论的,无聊啊,首先你怎么知道微软不乐意让广大中国用户都使用windows? ADOBE知道每天有几万人在用随处可下载的PHOTOSHOP,他们吱声了么?没错他们的确会每次在贸易和谈上扯一下知识产权,可是更重要的是微软,ADOBE的产品这样首先给几千万人所接受而变成业界标准。当然你可以说这个说法很牵强,但是的确这就成了一个事实。在盗版的XP比公开免费的LINUX更易安装,上手,兼容之时,广大用户自然选择了XP.
再者,DELL机器在海外带有XP HOME版本的吧,家用机型只有选装XP PRO才加个100美金什么的,普通用户根本没有必要另外掏出250美元买XP,基本上也算是DELL免费奉送了。
再次,楼主真要纠住广大用户的道德标准不放,硬用法律套大家的话,请问为啥在IPOD MUSIC STORE推出之前欧美那么多富有的计算机用户仍然下载MP3乐此不疲?10美元的CD对他们来说比200美元的XP便宜了吧?那些欧美用户真是奇怪逻辑哦!在中国这个大部分农民兄弟仍然吃不饱饭的社会难道你真希望我们把宝贵的国家GDP贡献给微软吗?微软和其他软件企业完全有办法通过公司的大量LICENSE存活,广大散户只是他们要挟中国政府的一个砝码而已,不要太天真了。未来的趋势将证明我们先进所使用的一般软件将被免费的网络程序所代替,微软也将失去他们目前在操作系统,OFFICE系统的垄断。当然,这将需要时间,但是我们没有必要为XP撑保护伞,减慢市场与社会大潮对软件业的冲击产生的后果。让XP自生自灭。盗版与否,都不是我们几个人讨论一下就可以组织或提倡的,所以我们只是在讨论一件已成定居的事情。俗话说道高一尺魔高一丈,盗版总是可以找到制服正版的方法,不管是以前的CD,DVD克制,现在的BT,EMULE点对点下载,还是以后出现的新技术都将确保盗版的存在。还是让我们把目光集中在省钱,高效得完成我们每天要完成得任务上吧。

Monday, April 17, 2006


Nothing’s exactly smooth sailing. Now that I’m determined to crack myself open and extract whatever juice is left in me to learn everything I could, I’m hit with an overdose of flu & cold symptoms. As if to prove there’s no shortest path between attitude and success. To make things worse, I forgot the flu relief medicine today and my head at the moment is dizzy and eyes bursting out and watery.