Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

ANZAC day 2006

I have one word for ICPR organizing committee, and that’s procrastination. Arguably it’s the first conference I ever submitted too. The deadline just got postponed 2 more days among much anguish waiting and eager checking. Fingers very much crossed for tomorrow.

ANZAC day. I got up according to schedule at 8:30 and arrived promptly at Koi’s around 9:05. She’s not up. Totally expected. So just slept some more at her place until hunger and afternoon sets in.

Plan for tomorrow:
Write review
Confirm cairns trip
Get essay detail

The car just gets sweeter every time I drive it a bit more.

Cleveland, Wellington point and Toowoomba
The lessons learned from visiting small towns around Australia: be realistic about your expectations. Toowoomba is having level 4 water restriction when we visited yesterday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does Swift getting sweeter?

12:23 AM  
Blogger Rich8rd said...

after run-in, the engine gets better after the first 1000 KMs.

9:10 PM  

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