the tale of a 14 year old kid and his hot teacher
this morning as i was perusing my morning paper the picture of a hot young blond falls squarely in my sight. the headline says she's a pedophile in the US state of florida and she "staturoily raped" a 14 year student in several seperate occasions including a moving car, her house and classroom. from the report it seems the victim is the kid whose "traumatized" to appear in court for interrogation by the prosecutor. the sexy young blonde teacher aroused my interest so i delved a bit deeper. seem like it's not as "rape" as it seems. the 14 year old kid is seemingly enjoying this rare sex encounter with the hottest teacher of his school and blabbing to his classmates. and who wouldn't. just to spoil it all, no other than the kid's mum got alerted to the situation and put and resounding stop to the ongoing affair (out of jelousy, lol). and now the teacher is in for a lot of media attention and some more house arrest from her previous sex affair with the same kid. on goole groups, there's the picture of the sexy teacher in bikinis on bike magazine covers taken when she's 18.
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