Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

movie journal: pirates 3 - at worlds end & other misc

truly crazy period. i've probably slept on the couch downstairs more often than my own precious bed in the last 4-5 weeks, bloody burn out is not even touching the surface of what i'm feeling lately. but more of that later.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Surviving in the Corporate World
* Be a team player
– This sometimes means doing boring work

* Pay your dues
– New grads will often be given simple, boring tasks at first– Don’t complain about boring task – your time will come!

* Act professionally when dealing with other groups in the company
– Be nice, even if others are not being nice
– Resist getting angry
– Don’t attack others
– Focus on solving the technical problem at hand

* Don’t try to save the world
– the world doesn’t want saved!
– Report what you find to your manager, let him/her save the world
– Just make sure your piece of the world works OK!* Learn all you can from the senior designers in your group– Education doesn’t stop with college
– It’s up to you to make sure you understand how things work– Learn all parts of doing design

Monday, May 07, 2007

holiday journal - Sunshine coast

Been a long since i last kicked back and lying down doing nothing for hours. this time did exactly that. lying on shark infected water beach for 4 hours doing nothing and staring at crystal blue sky with transforming clouds. excellent. time well spent.

resort style holiday living is consisted of following ( in no particular order) by my observation

  • your own boat. don't have a boat u say? you call it a holiday?
  • some fishing rods to hang in front of your 4WD just to look good
  • a trailer with some insignificant trash and your jetski
  • 2 kids to show ur got sperm
  • at least 2 days in the pool in the jacoozi
  • playing ball game at beach to waste energy
  • bush walking in shorts and huge hats that you won't wear normally
  • eating exhorbitantly expensive icecreams from Copenhagen that drips from the hole at the end (at least 2 flavours)
  • eating overpriced sidewalk cafe food at take in the car exhaust fume
  • no internet connection for the entire period
  • watching cable tv shows that you've missed for ages
  • have local crap asian take away for dinner and curse how shit it is
  • hot-chic spotting for the entire afternoon and sipping carbonated water
  • .... and many more!