motorbike coolness
Must confess, i've never fully appreciated the inherent danger, the inborn risk, the natural tendency to slide and fall of a modern day, properly powered motorbike. Because in a perfect world, we would adapt to motorbikes gradually from your electric scooters, 50 cc petrol rams, 125 cc tiny crotch rockets, and finally evolve into those proper 250cc road bikes which incidentally will rev your helmet off by shaking your ass. Yes i am biased towards the coolness factor introduced by hunching over a flagrantly coloured sports bike (a honda cbr nonetheless) and roll towards the horizon in a matching outfit and helmet. Dad used to roll around the bustling city without too much trouble so i thought i could too, but apparenlty it's untrue. The main issue i think is to do with the braking characteristics of a bike, as you simply can not indifferently apply brake in all unexpected situations like you do in a car. in a bike other considerations include balance, friction, inertia, and centrifugal force. where a car can skid and slide around a drift patch with joy even, a bike is supremely harmful to your livelihood if you attempt to even slightly imitate. a wet patch can twitch and knock you off in a nano seconds notice. and you ain't gonna do anything about it. you brake and you're off, you accelerate and you slide, you try stay on but it's hard. wot a bucket of bollocks.
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