Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

MSFT misses the mark on touchscreen phone big time oh yes they did

What is the deal with winMobile 6.5? it has no capacitor screen input and the UI is still so 1990's. The current day microsoft boasts 90,000 people world wide (of which i assume a good majority of them are technically inclined, but god knows the percentage of them are "managers" with bugger all skills), not to mention the countless heads in MSR and MSRA and MSRx, how is it possible for it to get stuffed by apple and google this bad is beyond me. everything except server and tools are bloated these days, and server and tools are not yet bloated because they are still relatively new iterations. the day sql server gets down to IE or Windows level is the day MSFT can officially consider chapter 11 like its former DOW pal GM i reckon. Should i be seriously starting to learn ruby on rails or Java now since android will soon destroy windows? lets hope not


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