Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Moviejournal: the girl with dragon tattoo

By utter chance I watched with great interest to the end of the scintillating David Fischer 2011 adaptation of the renowned Swedish novel the girl with a dragon tattoo. I thought previously it would be a mediocre thriller riding on Daniel Craig's bond-wave, but it instantly surprised me when Rooney Mara's character is introduced. First of all let me say to incisively portrayed such a underworld-esque punk chic with such intense and violent back story just visually is a feat in itself. As Chinese saying goes about carving skills: its a whoppinh 3 inches into the wood!

The salander character is intriguing to say the least. Fearlessly independent, intense investigative capability with breakneck drive, unapologetically sexual yet still fragile. Truly Oscar worthy.

The story itself is rather brazen and quite a European feel to it, credit to Fincher to replicate that menacing ambience of the novel.


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