Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Monday, January 06, 2014

rant on being a celebrant, honesty and vows

was just listening to a RN show about a gay bishop who married with a wife and a husband, however weird the episode is in itself. I was thinking about the vows my newly wedded friends have just given to each other in the present of celebrants. Sweet and endearing words they are, but i can't help wondering the interplay between a celebrant's own consciousness in the mounting evidence of rising divorce rate and declining marriage rate, and the enormously and increasingly untenable vow for most couples sworn before them. where did the institution of marriage come from? and how is marrying enriching our society as oppose to being free loving? how did the society come to being despise single parents? and why people still strive to become a celebrant? are they merely social rejects who can't get a more meaningful and gainful employment? are they just blinding themselves in a consistent state of self numb? are are they merely ignoring the glaring social trend and choose to self reinforce the belief that marriage happily ever after is the only and glorious way to live? surely that view must come into question once a while in their lives? but hey, the same can be said for most religious endeavors. maybe a logic and scientific way of thinking eludes celebrants and that's not necessarily a bad thing? is blindingly following their own faith into death a moral or even a legal way of live? is the boundary just lie in nor harming others? by acting on behalf of the state and sometimes religion and become a conduit of state consent that decree that a couple must love and cherish each other till the end of time, it usually contradicts human nature...

end of rant


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