Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Thursday, September 04, 2014

The fallacy of tourist trip, airline movie journal

This Europe trip actually taught me some more which I want to share with you all:

* the fallacy of tourism trap: the best way to discover a city in a brief 1-2 days visit is to follow the flow of people. It appears that the aggregate knowledge of your fellow travellers are much better than you and google map alone. 

Everywhere is virtually the same now, for a casual photo-tourist. It's now better for me to go to places where events are held which I care about: snooker, the daily show, car museums, history and science museums etc. wanting to visit the USA. 

* taking more shirt i

Castles and old stuff

They are always there, you need to immerse yourself in the way of living of that era to really appreciate those buildings and their true purpose. History of the church institutions etc. to build them might be just a matter of months. Need to watch that tv show about building cathedrals the uk series. 

David Attenborough : remarkable documentaries

北京故事:realistic portrayal of the middle and upper middle class life of the current era. 

Jack Ryan - shadow recruit: hot chic


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