Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Friday, March 31, 2006

v for vendetta

another friday night with koi vivi and josh. first went to their recommended indian restaurant at west end after much searching in vain for the vietnamese place i went earlier but couldn't seem to find that strip of eateries, so settle for an outside table at punjabi palace (the indian place). punjabi apparently means those indians with huge cloth hat thingy wrapping all their hair since birth, which is sort of discussing thought in a restaurant but the food was ok. decently made and i trust it is of true indian flavour. spicy hot beef and chicken in very muddy sauce with curry rice was the main course, and there were "naan" with curry and cheese. rather simple stuff. mango "lassi" is just mango ice yogurt, nother special there.

after the 63 dollar meal we drove up and queued for parking space for V for vendetta. After mirai's remark about the shittiness of the film my expectation was so low that i thought it's destined to flop just like some other hyped film (eg. history of violence). but surprisingly it's not to disappoint. v for vendetta is a thoughtfully made film about a revenge-seeking crazy outlaw that survived a government conspiracy mastermind plan and came back seeking justice the old fashioned way right down to the end. natalie portman is strikingly beautiful. she is indeed comparable to elizabeth taylor in that egyptian queen film. the plot is entirely politically motivated i dare to say. london tube train and american war, how familiar is that? so happy ending in the end where both the good guy and the bad guy dies and british people found their parliament house blown up in a very musically orchestrated way. so at this brief instant their masks were taken off, symbolizing, i dunno, that all fake cover ups and conspiracies were taken off from the population or sth? symbolism is everywhere. so at that precise moment in the film, britain is a headless state where the entire government is almost wiped out save for that detective dude and possibly some opposition party. and i suppose with a superior legal and administration tradition britain will rebuild itself from the scrap and re-emerge refreshed, or will they? there will always be gullible people and cunning governments will always find a way to obtain majority support one way or the other. how is it possible to educate and gain support from your electorate at the same time? paul said today that government should be elected only from the gifted few. and how exactly to protect the state from the mischiefs of the gifted few once they are in power? how do you select those will truly be beneficial to the state from those who put their own ideologies first in the pool of the gifted few? not sure and it's a question leading to many blown heads. all in all it's a beautifully involving film from the makers of matrix series. just felt like michael moore had a hand in the designing of the theme though. it's totally anti current government.

ok time to sleep

Saturday, March 25, 2006


想不到会在白忙中看了那么长一篇网络小说. 貌似这篇东西都出版. 作者"三十"的文笔朴实无华,看得出也是源于生活高于生活. "日子"再一次用了年青小伙子们难以抗拒的故事成分,那就是美若天仙的清纯少女 (做空姐的冉静) 与初入尘世的毛头小子 (主人公). 童话般的相遇相知相恋不正是这个时代弥漫着颓废糜烂空气的社会所需要的吗? 所以hit the sweet spot right there. 让我们进一步审视一下"日子"这篇长篇小说(用了3天看完)另外一些成功部分: 男主角的幽默诙谐使读者感受到了自己欠缺但又耳熟能详的气氛与心态. 不菲的收入和小康的生活风格让大家在如今巨大的生活压力下感受到作者描绘出的生活的富足. 谁不想住在二室一厅的好地段? 谁不想半路拣到一个大美女带回家然后慢慢培养感情? 所以这些正是人们心中渴求而不得的. 结尾没有厮心列肺的分离,只是表达了女主角会出国3年.三年后的故事又会是另一个故事了,the result is anyone's guess. 个人认为在如今疯杂的世界,3年是个不短的时期.就算可以用天长地久来形容的爱情也是会淡的. 作者用主人公的话说, 找另一半是为了取悦自己,在这过程中取悦了对方可以说是个附加品.人的心中都有个天平,一半是付出,另一半是回报. 作者说,一个女强人和一个庸庸碌碌的男人的结合,势必男人倍加疼爱和关心女人,任劳任怨无怨无悔,否则天平就歪了.虽然很多人不愿意承认. 这个社会其实就着这么无情. 每个人现在都漂流在他们生命中的哪里呢?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

the tale of a 14 year old kid and his hot teacher

this morning as i was perusing my morning paper the picture of a hot young blond falls squarely in my sight. the headline says she's a pedophile in the US state of florida and she "staturoily raped" a 14 year student in several seperate occasions including a moving car, her house and classroom. from the report it seems the victim is the kid whose "traumatized" to appear in court for interrogation by the prosecutor. the sexy young blonde teacher aroused my interest so i delved a bit deeper. seem like it's not as "rape" as it seems. the 14 year old kid is seemingly enjoying this rare sex encounter with the hottest teacher of his school and blabbing to his classmates. and who wouldn't. just to spoil it all, no other than the kid's mum got alerted to the situation and put and resounding stop to the ongoing affair (out of jelousy, lol). and now the teacher is in for a lot of media attention and some more house arrest from her previous sex affair with the same kid. on goole groups, there's the picture of the sexy teacher in bikinis on bike magazine covers taken when she's 18.

Monday, March 13, 2006


piracy is here to stay for as long as i can see. MPAA is fighting a loosing battle trying to patch a leaking water tank about to boil and explode. bittorrent has brought us uptodated movies and internet tv protocols, and its advantage over emule is obvious. once people tasted the goodness of free movies and any other content, why would the go back to purchasing or renting? there's plenty of good bt sites that live healthily online today. no wonder hollywood is talking about loss in the past year. people simply won't go blindly to cinemas for a crap movie. and speaking from my own experience, if they do it's either because it's really what they want to see or because the ticket is really cheap.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

the car

ok since i've got the car for 2 days now, i should write a little about my new swift. it hasn't been a worry free experience i have to admit.

  • i can't seem to find a perfect sitting position from the seats for a start,
  • and engine couldn't rev up easily. always at an idling 2-3000 rpm.
  • air conditioning pipe under the bonnet unprotected, so dripping water when aircon is turned on.
  • on the way to airport my right window developed a irritating rattle.
  • the seats are too stiff.
  • no pull handle on the boot carpet for easy access to spare wheel.
  • slight understeer coming into a corner
  • steering wheel a tad too light and uncommunicative
  • passengers report rear space quite tight, although i personally haven't sit there under movement. might be a bit smaller than yaris' back seats space
  • engine has aweful smell at first due to some sort of greasy oil on the engine but later starting to be unnoticeable.
  • no ignition illumination
  • no boot illumination

6/3/06 12:50 am

just got back from the screening of match point in south bank cinemas. well the website is cineplex.com.au for future reference. i'm amazed to find that sunday rate is an even lower 5 dollars for student. i thought 5.70 on fridays are pretty damn low already. woody allen has delivered yet another thought provoking film with great dialog and aura. johansson and co. have vivid performances in this london based drama. protangonist Chris has phenomenal streak of luck and one thing leads to another, he is married to the daughter of a gold mine and at the same time enjoying a passionate affair with the curvy figured american b-grade actress johansson. what unbelievable luck has adorned Chris that enabled him to dodge everything that are bound to materialize. how is this story differ from the classical love and lust cycles of man, i'm not completely sure. looks like it's simply a story of how big a part luck plays in the destiny of man.

movies aside, yesterday we spent the whole afternoon wander about convention centre gawking at various cars under the spotlight of brisbane motor show. several highlights i'd like to put to the record:
  • citroens are totally funky. C4 sports or wotever its french name is, has 5+1 cd changer system, steering wheel whose center doesn't move and unsymmetrical steering wheel spokes, rear screen wipers in a useless place, precious centre console real estate wasted for seemingly no particular reason, and unusually huge moonscreen. sales chics in the show are generally attractive and didn't incur eye sore. boobs are well exposed throughout the show.
  • pagani zonda s open top. a cool 1.3 million for the barebone car without options, how about that. jet engine rear square quad-pipe so menancing that it has more attitute than that micerlago nearby.
  • mazda mx5 must be a hugely delight to drive around, because it's so fun just to sit in it with a f1 driver position. the cloth roof is operated with hand to save space and weight. Rx-8 is even better,
  • proton savvy has the most flimsy door closing feel of any car i've ever seen. feels like it's made out of recycled coke cans. inside it's narrow, dull and uninspiring, a stark contrast to the wide body swift.
  • head-room wise, my head hit the roof in a number of cars including 3 series, volvo s40 and i thought a audi s4. granted i'm not short but i'm not tall by definition either. i'll hate to be the passenger sitting behind a tall driver in a beemer 3.
  • a lot of talk is on about diesels cars mainly stem from andy. reps are saying aussie diesel isn't up to the same standard as those used in Europe so car manufacturers are reserved to bring more diesel powered models down under.
  • FIAT is introducing their punto and punto grande ( i thought it's grand punto but anyway) to our market towards june this year. seeing fiat boss is falling victim to drug use and transexual influence in italy, this car seems especially interesting. the head is distinctively Maserati Coupe-resque. i don't know how anybody can reasonably see what the head of the car is doing driving behind a punto. inside it's a story of so-so's. the rep says expect pricing between 20-30, with diesel fetching 30. that's in the golf territory and i'm sure TDI enjoys a better reputation both in europe and down here.
  • volvo has XC90, a very solidly built SUV with ample head room and leg room. leather seats are especially good.
  • (to be continued)