Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Monday, May 22, 2006

top ten stupid question at HSBC BSK by Richard Yang - good old masterpiece from HSBC days


Stupid Questions #1:
Q: Will US Dollar Rise??
A: Do I look like Alan Greenspan to you??

Stupid Questions #2:
Q: If I use my HSBC ATM card overseas, will I still get Australian dollar cash from the overseas ATM?
A: DUH….show me which ATM in Pakistan that spill out AUD cash & I will fly there with a camera right now.

Stupid Questions #3:
Q: Can you fill out the deposit slip for me?
A: If I fill out your deposit slip, can I spend the money for you too?

Stupid Questions #4:
Q: Why you charge me money for depositing more than 10,000 dollars? It’s my money!
A: well two words: PAY TAX! And you think I like counting someone else’ money?

Stupid Questions #5:
Q: if I deposit $10,000 cash, will you report me to the government?
A: YES. And the money laundry report is going to follow you to the graves until your soul is rotten in hell.

Stupid Questions #6:
Q: Your ATM machine ate my card!!!
A: Count yourself lucky that machine didn’t eat you. And don’t you know it’s a lucky sign in Chinese culture that the card is eaten by an ATM???

Stupid Questions #7:
Q: Is the calendar here yet??
A: Yes. But we decided to charge $19.95 each for our calendars starting from this year. Would you still like to have one? No?? I thought you needed one so bad!

Stupid Questions #8:
Q: What does HSBC stand for??
A: It stand for Holy Shit! Be Careful

Stupid Questions #9:
Q: Do you speak Cantonese/Mandarin??
A: Sorry I’m Vietnamese.

Stupid Questions #10:
Q: Can I have your JP to sign some document?
A: Sure. Would you like to purchase our world-famous chocolate milk shake with strawberry for only $3.95? Our JP will be more than happy to sign anything for you afterwards.


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