Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

the financial crisis we don't understand or see coming mostly

So the security firms are virtually all wiped out as we type and all analyst and experts have all switched to panic mode in a matter of days and banks fail every three days

Now this is what I think of the crises from what I understand from reading:

1. It started with Clinton administration pressing banks and invesment institutions to lend indiscriminately to all ppl
2. The intelligence of investment bankers to invent shadowy credit default and swap vehicles can not be underestimated
3. 6 trillion is required to plug the huge monetary hole left from the collapse of this house of cards as a result of insane leverage and easy flowing credit line to American consumers.

Monday, September 22, 2008

iPhone review: the follow up after 100 hours of use and initial exuberance wear off

Now that iPhone crashed again it's really sad to begin typing here again. The lack of a true multi tasking hurts it's case really badly for the truly technopholes among us that I pretend to be. I mean even the mere step of maintaining the safari state in multi page browsing situations would be of huge benefit. Just read a piece on time online that google androit will have addressed all these when of goes live 23rd of hhis month. Tough choice of form vs factor. Not that iPhone have any thing to feel sorry for in it's beautifully presented and hugely advanced OS. It's just misses that last mile. Now that we think about it, set keyboard is just such a drag on smart phones. The simple act of liberating phones of keys is a revolutionary idea in itself.

So. In summary it's perfect if:
- true multitasking is available
- mobile tv
- come with a stylus (I know I'm old fashioned here but stylus is still finer than my fat finger)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

iphone: 2 weeks on

here is stuff i like about iphone

  • the form factor is excellent, talking about internet in your very slim pocket. on screen keyboard is a wonderful idea, not to mention that the keyboard is widened in landscape mode.
  • with my beloved capsule rebel it looks and feels ultra sturdy.
  • iphone safari is great, no flash but other than that it's rendering the page wonderfully and quickly
  • app store can be truly great, recent episodes of apple stifling competiton notwithstanding, the app store has produced some of my favourite (free) apps so far. though i do have a nagging feeling google androit is going to be better if their third party suppor get organized and free enough

things i hate about iphone

  • crashes. safari quit itself at more times than i like to tolerate. (although if u go back in straightaway the last page state is saved). a few bugs in operation in phone answering, etc
  • batter life: seem to drain faster and faster as battery level goes down. maybe it's due to my excessive usage in the first week

the potential is limitless as it is basically a computer with full connectivity. a few very useful app

  • video recording and uploading
  • voice recognition text input
  • interactive street view (ability to compare with street view)!