Rainbow Shoes

My rant, my banter, my cynical view, my loving words.

Friday, January 20, 2006

car hunting, continued

so much happend last two days with two cars in limbo.

but thankfully and gratefully my PSP arrived.

the car buying experience has brought us all up to date to with how the car buying experience works. the black pulsar experience reminded us that we *must* read every term and condition on a contract, and never buy dealer options such as premium paint protection and tinting.

from the suzuki experience, we learned that dealers are all sharks and we must know every discount available. negotiate with more than 2 dealers before deciding on the final car purchase.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

car hunting in hot summer's day

what a draining and hot day spent in our sheep-skin covered car with koi. today's the first day i went out during business hour to go serious car hunting. sleep got really interrupted this morning so was really sleepy the whole day, yawning, coughing and sneezing all messed up into my brain with added flavour of hunger and dehydration. excellent condition for walking in the scorching sun to test drive cars. hmmm... anyway, decided to raid the highway motor groups of dealers today, so drive down to springwood with koi. must say that i learned quite a few things and picked up quite some tips from talking to dealers young and old. more importantly, the last guy ron told me that cheap cars then to get cheaper and mazda 3, corolla and astra tend to retain their value better. which is true 'coz commodores are already cheaper than astras from the same model year. first we popped into the southside honda dealership. a young guy greeted us and led us to see one of the hail damaged jazz vti. the price was 23000 something which is a bit dearer than our budget. he was nice enough to offer a test drive on the new jazz which is updated than the previous jazz i drove that has shift gear buttons on the wheel. now it's all behind the wheel affair with paddle shift. paddle shift on the jazz turned out to be much light and shallower than i expected, they are more like two plastic buttons behind the fat wheel. another thing i figured is that most people if not all, will tend to just lock the driving mode in auto without bothering about the 7 gear CVT thingy. the 7 gear is too gadgetry and shifting is a bit undirect and jerky. auto mode provide much oomph and smooth acceleration without human intervention necessary. so in other words it's just gimmicky without much real use. it's all pre defined shifting points on a continuous CVT gear anyway. koi reported that the back seats aren't quite as roomy as expected either. but that's mainly due to the back headrests are taken off and she's uncomfortable without them. so no more jazz please. we then rock up to the nissan dealer down the road. it's as if everybody is grabbing any remaining pulsars on this planet, all the new pulsars left are black and the only 2nd hand pulsar st left is a gold one with 10910 or something on the clock. the guys is offering around 18000 for that car. will think about it. pulsar st's don't have rear head rests, which surprised us a bit. finally, we found ourself in motorama holden looking at a silver2004 astra hatch. it has done more than 40,000 km and without abs. with trading in my precious red car, it can probably be driven away for 17000. but then again it isn't particularly powerful. the guy and the previoius nissan guy told us auctions has worries. the title may not be guaranteed, and you have to register and put plates on them urself. hmm food for thought. the holden guy says usually company fleet sell their cars when it's about 40,000 km, so there should be a lot of them on the market. sounds like we just need to shop around for a good buy. i'll rather have abs i think. the problem with astra is that since it is so popular, there is no road presence to speak of.

tomorrow me and dad will go auction house to see if there's cheap nissan pulsar or maximas for grabs. maxima is much more expensive, 04 model year cost about 28000 to 32000.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

hard day

today must be the most hardworking and productive day spent in the lab for me ever. from 9 am i've started to work on my paper, skipping breakfast and lunch, surviving on Arnott's Scotchfingers and tapwater. luckily due to my excellent self control and devoted concentration, i've got everything finished and even got some time to read some more of da hua's blog. he is truly an amazing figure. Tummy rumbling and going to toilet every 20 minutes, i've managed to get all done, polished up and squeezed into 5 precious double column pages while my feet stink like hell. finishing a paper is sort of like climbing a mountain, two aspects of it you can cherish: the climbing and the top. While writing, the enjoyment is constantly improving your writing and knowing that you did a little bit better than last draft. a discovery of the right word to use and a reformatting that make the paper more pleasing to the eye, everything is constantly improving. while the finishing just feels great, lying in front of you is a finished product with your sweat and blood (ok that exaggerated a bit)

Friday, January 13, 2006




ECCV的篇幅限制是single column 14 pages,我的draft单是理论部分就写了这么多了。因此,在把实验结果贴上之前,得重新审读全文,把理论部分压缩一下。


1) Motivation: 任何idea和design都不可能是空穴来风,必然有其源泉。一篇文章的idea究竟是如何思考得到的,应该在文章中给以令人信服的阐述,引导reviewer顺着你的motivation的思路进入你的idea,这样这篇paper更容易让reviewer所接受。有人认为一篇文章reviewer看不懂很好,其实恰恰相反。只有当reviewer真正明白了你的东西是有道理的,才可能给你很好的评价。他不一定需要明白所有的细节,但是他必须要明白你提出的东西为什么有道理。

2) Idea: 这是一篇文章的灵魂,必须旗帜鲜明地强调,绝不能含糊。汤老师说:一篇好的paper能用一句话加以概括,指的就是文章有个鲜明的思想。而所谓烂paper,就是没有一个鲜明的主题,突出的思想,因而只能拼拼凑凑,含糊其辞。

3) Theory: 有些领域也许不看重这个,但是对于我们来说,扎实的理论,深入的分析,肯定能为文章增色不少。以前,我曾经有过错误的观念,就是用了很多高深数学,让reviewer看得很“崇拜”的文章,就是好文章。这是很幼稚的想法。所谓好的理论,是离不开数学上的功力,但是其精髓并非用了多少炫目的数学工具,而是有没有对一个模型,一个算法其理论本质的独到的,入木三分的剖析。理论的威力不是显示在炫耀上面,而是体现在它能帮助你分析问题的核心,指出各种现象的联系。

4) Illustration: 洋洋洒洒千言万语,或者重重叠叠无数公式,有时并不能帮助读者理解问题的中心,而有时一个精心设计的示意图能独具奇效。再次强调:一篇好的文章是要让人明白,而不是让人糊涂。图的设计以清晰表达为宗旨,不是玄妙或者花哨。

5) Experiment: 工科的paper一般少不了这个。实践是检验真理的标准。把实验效果做得很好,我想每个作research的人都知道这个。大部分paper实验效果都不错的,否则就不贴出来了:-D。 因此,实验部分的竞争,更注重实验方案的精心设计。这里面有两点:第一是实验要有很强的目的性,每个实验都必须为了说明某个问题,不能无的放矢,随便做。第二是层次性,实验结果一步登天往往不能使人信服。我们实验室以前发paper的成功经验是:实验结果随着技术的逐渐加入,而渐次提高,让人明白每一个idea,每一个novelty都在起着应有的作用。至于整体上的显著提高,使所有技术共同作用的结果。


1) 冗长,罗嗦:我写paper有时候有个缺点,被某个idea的兴奋冲昏头脑,喋喋不休在那说。回头一看,很多都是啰里啰唆的东西。甚至连abstract都有点这个毛病。这和我追求面面俱到有些关系。一篇好文章,每一句话写出来,就要有这句话的作用,不能仅仅觉得这句话不错就写上。文章篇幅有限,必须有所取舍。



Thursday, January 12, 2006

try again

funny master card ad from google video

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


目前看dahua lin的blog都有下意识的恐惧症了,症状显示为不敢点他blog,怕看到又一篇巨牛无比的post俺幼小脆弱的心灵再一次收到打击.今天小心奕奕得带着诚惶诚恐再一次点击,不禁又被巨牛无比的dahua lin震撼了. ECCV两篇录取,一篇oral,另外一篇possible oral!!! 天哪 既生hua何生richard! 愤愤ing... 仰天长吼 "太~~~~牛~~~~~啦~~~~" 这不是给我的工作增加无形的压力吗? knowing that no matter how i try, i won't be like him in the near future" 当然按老高脾气这时候一定把我臭扁一顿,然后用他自己TPAMI的成功经历深情得教育我要对自己有信心有动力有理想....可是实在是太牛啦!!!! why oh why!?? :P上帝/真主/玉皇大帝真的是给这小子开了一扇门也关了一删门.其貌不扬但心存浪漫学术巨牛,人家人格得魅力是endless滴,从这个层面上说他真是很幸运.

anyway, just a venting rant. 路还是要走下去得, 大牛就大牛贝, 个人头上一片天嘛俗话说,你吃你得草去,就是比我多吃点.... 等俺也发5篇CVPR oral..... 哈哈

Stern face

Just as i was waiting for bus i met koi's former housemate. she was a rich girl with no particularly high intellectual and academic level. a girl of simple pleasure if you can say. i found myself most unease talking with her. was it that i was so isolated last few months that all i meet are the people in the lab and during lunch time, that bunch of English-challenged northern chinese? and either consciously or unconsciously, it is gradually turning out that i'll be more like Gao the more i interact with him. Not to say there's anything wrong with his approach to the world. it could rather be a good thing, you know, socialise (and a sense of humour) like Germans, stern-faced and quite analytical. but my fear is that i might lose my edge in myself-ness, whatever it might be.

Monday, January 09, 2006

car selection list

this is all pre-test drive except holden astra:
budget: 15000ish (this sort of priced me out of the new car isn't it... ) but new car willing to pay 18000 limit for a auto 5 door.
the factors to be considered: possible trading software purchase later in the year ($3000)

2nd hand ford focus - errr, good drive, but a bit too wacky
2nd hand astra hatch - nice drive, a bit dull interior, look a bit sissy according to andy
new swift - cute look, mini coopereque exterior, classy interior, manual/auto?
2nd hand civic - dull interior, could be expensive (honda depreciate slower)
new jazz - nice albeit a bit too bulky, super mini van like shape. cool paddle shift, but can't afford VTIS
new fiesta - updated fiesta looks weird with pertruding lights and non-matching tail lights. interior better than previous fiesta. updated safety feature. could be good
new corolla - bland...
new yaris - funky... egg shaped. could also be a nice drive
new porsche 911 - a throwback to previous gen 911's, loses none of the athleticism or charm. impractical backseats only for infants.
Ferrari F430 - wonderfull look, wonderful engine, convertible form oozes style, feminine lines with musculine power. everything a sports car should be. v8 loves to sing.. too thirsty at the pump though
Murcielago - big fat and yellow. homer simpson disguised as a supercar? ugly waist line
Evo 9 - service interval too short
WRX STI - firebreeding look, could be a rocket. leaps ahead of the previous REX
BMW M5 - big saloon shaped super car, but M6 is faster...
Gallardo - squashed Murcielago
Cayman - urrrrrgh ugly get it out get it out
Zonda - get out my way
Rolls Roys Phamton - check out my flat nose... bring it out pedestrians!
Ferrari F360 - who wants an out of date car!
Lotus Exige - no power steering!
Corvette - i'll rather drive exige with no power steering
Viper - i run out of woolworth petrol discount faster with this car
Ford GT - oh yeah speed!
Mercedes SLR McLaren - hmmm waiting list
Carrera GT - civilized german maddog, so what's the point
Ariel Atom - (gone karting)
Ferrari Enzo - v12.... oh yeah, closest thing i'll ever get to drive an F1


still i'm a person buying things on impulse. the first wave of urge is so unstoppable that it is comparable to a mad rush. it happened many times before when i'm buying mp3 player, phone, laptop and now PSP. well psp maybe not purely due to my impulse but partially because of the pirate games possibilities. i shall not be the same with cars and shares in this new year and be more methodological in my approach.

Tips on buying a car - Hints and Tips - CARSguide


After buying a house, buying a car is the second most expensive purchase most of us are ever likely to make in our lives so it's important to get it right.
Here are a few handy tips to help you make the right decision:

Nothing beats the smell of a new car, the thrill of driving away in a car that is yours, one that's never been owned by anyone else, but it comes at a price in the form of depreciation. You can virtually write off 20 per cent of the purchase price the moment you drive away from the dealer because it's then a used car. Cars depreciate faster in the first two or three years of their life and the new car buyer has to cop that for the pleasure of being the first owner. By buying used it's possible to avoid the heaviest depreciation. Cars will still depreciate in their latter years, but at a lower rate.
New car buyers can choose the colour of their car, the trim colour, the engine, transmission and other options and accessories, but used car buyers have to take what's available.
New car buyers have the reassuring backup of a new car warranty so they know that if anything goes wrong they won't be up for a big repair bill. Anyone buying from a used care dealer will also have a warranty, but it won't be for as long as the new car warranty. Private buyers don't have any warranty.
By buying used it's possible to get behind the wheel of a better car than you might when buying new. For the cost of a new Commodore or Falcon it is possible to drive a used BMW or Mercedes-Benz.
There is always the risk of buying a 'lemon' when buying used because there is no way of knowing how previous owners have treated a car.

It's a buyers market which means you can bargain with dealers for a better deal, but you need to be prepared for the battle.
Do some homework on market values before you go shopping so you know the value of the car you're buying and the value of your trade-in. That way you'll be better placed to barter with the dealer.
Have your finance arranged before you go shopping, but don't tell the dealer. Dealers will often cut the price of a car believing they'll make money on the finance.
Don't settle on the first car you inspect. Visit a number of dealers and compare deals before making a commitment.
Look for a dealer well stocked with the car you want and he'll be more prepared to deal.
Shop towards the end of the month when dealers are looking to get their quotas up.

Few of us are able to hand over a wad of cash to pay for our car, we all need finance for the purchase.
Before you start work out how much you afford to pay, and how much you can afford to repay.
Don't be tempted to use your credit card to pay for your car, the interest rate on credit cards is generally very high.
Shop around to save money.
Finance through dealers is the most expensive, dealers are on-selling the finance to you and they are making a profit on the deal, so cut out the middle man and go straight to the source of the finance.
Banks offer finance at a cheaper rate than the dealers, but approval can take time.
Independent finance companies specialising in car finance often have the lowest interest rates, and some offer fast approvals with an on-line service.

Buying from a dealer gives you the security of a warranty. By law dealers have to give you a warranty which gives you some recourse if something goes wrong with the car later. To search for new and used dealer cars on carsguide.com.au click here.
Dealers also have to guarantee ownership of the vehicle, that there is no outstanding finance on it which might complicate matters later. They also have to guarantee the odometer reading.
It's possible to buy cars cheaper at auction, but there are risks. There's little chance to check a car over, there's no chance to drive it, so you take a risk on its condition. The auction environment is not one for the faint hearted, it's fast moving with lots of little nods, winks and gestures for those in the know. Spend the time to visit auctions to become familiar with them before attempting to join in the action. It's a good idea to take along someone with mechanical knowledge to help you assess the cars before the auction starts.
Buying privately can be a way of saving money, but it can be risky for the unwary. There is no comeback with a private purchase, once you've driven away you're on your own. To search for private party cars on carsguide.com.au click here.

If you're buying a used car privately you should proceed carefully.
Shop around before you spend. Look at a number of cars so you can get a good idea of the prices, average odometer readings and general condition of cars on offer so you're armed and ready to negotiate with the seller.
Ask to see the car's service book and check its service history. It is worth making a phone call to the service agent and ask them about the car. If there isn't a service history walk away.
Check with the RTA to make sure the seller is the owner of the car and that it has a clear title of ownership with no outstanding finance on it.
Have the car checked by the NRMA or other respected organisation who will be able to give you a pre-purchase inspection and report on the condition of the car.
Buy a car with as much registration left on it as possible. That way you won't have to spend a few hundred dollars extra soon after buying it.
Before test driving a car make sure it is insured and that the coverage includes you as the driver.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

appearance is no disguise for truth

having gained a little bit of social experience this past year, it's dawned on me that one can dissect an inner working of a person not through superficial appearance, but a more careful analysis of their gut reaction and decisions. we unconsciously react to things that best represent our upbringing, attitude and personality. as old saying goes by, look is deceiving.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


last night marks the shittest mood i have during any fireworks. fireworks is intrinsically happy and joyous. fireworks can not and should not be captured on pictures, it's a burst in person's heart and for the briefest moment, it overblows yours mind with vibrance. yet, yesterday marks the dimmest fireworks experience.

Happy new year 2006!

i can clearly remember last year for the new year i was at alan's house for a xmas party. and now again we are at new year. it's a opportune time to reflect on my 2005 and look beyong the horizon.

i started off this year with a simply resolution, to improve my trading skill. i've somewhat achieved this goal by better following money management principles, so i've managed to cut my losses and let my wins to (somewhat) win. i'm still yet to purchase the trading software from optionetics, which is attributed by the fact that i couldn't attend the full seminar towards the year end. so this will be a carry over goal for 2006. i've also started my career change that steered clear of personal banking, the shit hole that i was once in. it is yet unclear how this will turn out, but psychologically it helped me to move foward much more healthily. a detail resolution is presented:

to learn c++, c#, matlab, openCV and beef up on maths
to be a better trader
to be wiser and more socially adept

i think this should keep my 2006 busy :P

in other news, i've endured the worst outdoor sun blast in the last day of 2005, being one of the 4 chefs of gao's bbq yesterday. we've conclucded that bbq= barbarian's bancquet. how on earth is cooking on a 37 degree burning hot day at outside near a fucking hot plate a better way to spend the saturday?

gao's garden is a nicely surrounded path of green where exotic fruits such as watermelons grow.